Female Hair Loss

Understanding Female Hair Loss

There are several possible causes for hair loss in women, the most common of which are called Chronic Telogen Effluvium6, (around 70% of cases), and androgenic alopecia7 (around 25% of cases). Other less common causes are Thyroid problems, post-illness, post-pregnancy and a number of other medical conditions and diseases.

What we can do for you......

We will consult the patient, and determine the cause of hair loss, using blood tests and Case History. In addition, in order to help our patients better understand the cause of their hair loss, all of our patients will receive an authoritative and easy to understand booklet, which was produced by Dr Hugh Rushton, one of the foremost researchers into hair loss in the UK, who has published many papers on hair loss in reputable medical journals.
Treatment may involve taking a supplement, with my medical supervision, (about 70% of the patients); referral to a Consultant Endocrinologist or Consultant Dermatologist; or indeed, in some cases, referral to Dr Rushton himself in London.